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Warbunton Shrine

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ここはMainLand GAETAⅤ大陸の東端にある小さな神社です。ご祭神はハムスター!ちょっと抜けてるけどとても心優しい神様です。神社スタッフが月ごとに季節の図案を入れた御朱印を頒布しています。いつも静かで訪問者がリラックスできるように努めています。境内にある『あずまや』で季節に合う昔懐かしい和の玩具を展示しています。また季節にあった植栽を行っています。

This is a small shrine located at the eastern end of MainLand GAETA V continent. The deity enshrined here is a hamster! Though a bit quirky, they are a very kind-hearted god.The shrine staff distribute goshuin stamps with seasonal designs every month. They always strive to create a quiet atmosphere where visitors can relax. Inside the grounds, there is a "azumaya" where nostalgic traditional Japanese toys are displayed according to the season. They also carry out seasonal planting of greenery.



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