
What is Goshuin?
Japan's native religion is Shinto, a polytheistic religion of many gods, similar to many of the ancient Western religions (Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, etc.), and you can find many shrines across the country devoted to different gods who each have their own specialties. It is said that there are 8 million gods! A shrine has a "house" to call the god to, so visitors can visit and pray for particular things depending on what that god does: health, passing an exam, success in love, etc.
Buddhism was introduced to Japan in the 6th century. For centuries, Buddhism and Shinto existed as an intertwined religion, where Shinto gods were seen as manifestations of Buddhas. In the 19th century, they were legally separated into two religions, with Buddhist temples being separated from Shinto shrines.
Some traditions are still shared between Shinto and Buddhism. At both Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, it is popular for Japanese people to bring a stampbook when they visit a shrine/temple. The shrine/temple staff draw a beautiful picture (stamp) with the date in it. The stamp is called "Goshuin" and thus the stampbook "Goshuin stampbook," and they keep the Goshuin stampbook as a memory of visiting shrines/temples.
Why and How to get a Goshuin in SL?
We wanted to recreate the experience of collecting Goshuin in SL too, because many SL users build shrines/temples which enshrine various spirits. If you are interested in collecting Goshuin stamps in SL, please refer to the procedure below:
The owner of a shrine/temple creates a Goshuin stamp texture and distributes it for free with full permissions.
We the Goshuin Project creates a Goshuin stampbook object and sell it on marketplace for free, so that the collecters can keep and see the Goshuin stamp textures in it.
During the event, SL users freely visit shrines/temples and collect Goshuin stamp textures.

You can see the past Goshuin stamps by visiting here >>
How to join our event
Get a goshuin stampbook for free from marketplace
Visit shrines/temples and keep the goshuin stamp textures in the stampbook