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How to Distribute a Goshuin

We believe that certain standards are necessary to avoid confusing visitors. This includes the appearance of a goshuin distribution object (giver), how to use it, the rules on texture and folder name, etc. The following introduces these standards one by one. Our official goshuin distribution start up kit is on the marketplace for free that will help you with set up. Please get it before reading further.

StartUpKIT-for-Shrine [AD] image

Step 1. CREATE a goshuin stamp texture

In the real world, a goshuin is a proof of visiting, so it contains the name of the shrine or temple, date, and auspicious designs and letters. But since this is SL, you can freely decide what to write and draw. It doesn't even have to be in Japanese. 

​Recommended Specifications

  • Size: 512px * 512px is good for load and quality.

  • Permissions: Full permissions (Copy, Modify AND Transfer) are required to be shown properly in a goshuin stampbook.

  • Texture Name: Think a unique name that will be unlikely to be used by anyone else, by combining the SIM name, shrine/temple name, etc.

Step 2. BOX the goshuin stamp texture and SELL it for L$0

The simplest way to distribute a goshuin texture to an unspecified number of people is to box it and sell only its contents for L$0. We will tentatively call this box the "Goshuin Giver." The object name of this Goshuin Giver becomes the folder name in the inventory when it's purchased. Just like your goshuin stamp texture, please give the Goshuin Giver a name that is unique to you by combining SIM name, shrine/temple name and so on.

Goshuin Giver Setting Up Procedure

  • Rez the Goshuin Giver in your shrine/temple.

  • Adjust its size larger for non-Japanese speakers.

  • Give it a unique name.

  • Put a goshuin stamp texture inside.

  • ​Refer to the image on the right and sell its contents for L$0.

  • Purchase it by yourself and see if it works properly.
    (It's preferrable if you can ask someone else to check it.)

Edit window image

Click image to enlarge

Step 3. SET UP the object that opens the MARKETPLACE WEB LINK

Please rez "Marketplace Stampbook site open" included in the "<Goshuin> Start up Kit for Shrine/Temple" somewhere obvious within your location. It opens the marketplace web link by touch and displays a list of project related items created by those who support us. We recommend you to place this object for the convenience of visitors.

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